About the Doctor

Dr. George Th. Pamborides DMD

Dental Surgeon-Dental implants specialist

Associate Fellow American Academy Implant Dentistry


Dr. Pamborides specialises in ceramic implants and metal-free dentistry and implements biologic protocols required for implant placement and surgeries. In fact, he has probably performed the most ceramic implants in Cyprus since 2015.Dr. Pamborides has been placing and restoring implants since 2001 through his private general practice. In 2001, he co-founded the Nicosia Dental Clinic, a premier Implantology practice in Nicosia.

Dr. Pamborides is a member of the International Academy of Ceramic Implantology (IAOCI) and is currently a member of the Cypriot doctors pension fund.

He has studied dentistry in Semmelweis University in Budapest, Hungary, from 1991 to 1996. He earned the prestigious credential of Associate Fellow of the American Academy of Implant Dentistry in 2006.


Dr. Pamborides has been attending and participating in many continuing education congresses and seminars in Cyprus, Europe and the USA.
He has Successfully completed the Elite and Expert bone building Masterclasses with Dr. Frank Zastrow in Heidelberg,Germany. Dr. Pamborides is now able to achieve building bone in lateral and vertical dimensions with 100% success using autogenous bone blocks and bone chips.